About application
The Application serves for interactive simulations of the dissipative nonlinear dynamical systems based on the physical discretization. Behavior of all elements is fully nonlinear. It gives possibility to solve demanding problems such as large deformations, loss of stability/symmetry, achieving bifurcation points, postcritical behavior, chaotic motion...

To download this application, continue to the download section. There is available the actual version and the history of updates.
This is the platform-independent Java application. If you want to use this application the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be installed on your platform. The original JRE is made by the corporation Oracle and can be downloaded from the page http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp. It is neccessary to have the JAR files associated with the JRE. If not, application cannot be simply executed (see part Execution from Command Line).
- Download the ZIP file from the Download section.
- Unpack it anywhere you want with respect to the language version you want to use.
- Be sure you have installed the JRE correctly, see part System.
- Execute file fydikapplication.jar.
Execution from Command Line
It is possible to execute FyDiK application from the System Command Line (see Command Prompt or Command Line). Open it, go to the FyDiK directory and type: java -jar fydikapplication_v[***].jar. Command line allows you to control application execution and it is the place where possible exceptions will be shown.