How to use an Example
Unpack ZIP File ( wherever you like. Execute fydikapplication.jar (Note that JAR file extension must be associated with your Java Virtual Machine). Use Open command for selecting a project file, does not matter which one (basics.model.fdk or basics.settings.fdk). Then press Solve button to start simulation. Note: Use the last version.
This example shows usage of three basic elements: Mass Points, Translational Springs and Rotational Spring. There are two functional units composed from these elements: Tension unit and Bending unit. Both units are placed into space without restraints and they have non-zero initial conditions with zero resultants. |
| (movie)
This example shows simulation of simple mechanisms. There are two oscillating pendulums and a simple symmetrical structure in an unstable state. The structure will loss symmetry by nature (due to rounding of coordinates). |
Hungry worm
Elastic beam is playing role of a Hungry worm which wants to eat a Mouse controlled Mass Point. Example of truly user-controlled dynamical system. The blue-square mass point position could be controlled after starting the simulation and selection of the square boundary. |
Cantilever beam
Elastic cantilever beam in large deflections (length L = 9.9 m, bending stiffness EI = 20 Nm2). Simulation starts from second stable state with corresponding loading force F = 5 Newtons but the force is in this moment decreased to the 0.2 Newtons. It leads to loss of stability of the second stable state and then the cantilever beam stabilises itself into the first stable state [see also (in czech language)]. |
Beam buckling
Elastic simple supported beam in large deflections (length L = 5 m, bending stiffness EI = 100 Nm2). The beam is loaded by axial postcritical force F = 60 Newtons (critical force is Fcr = 39.5 N) and it leads to loss of stability [see also]. |
Test machine for Spring Functions
Strange machine for testing of Spring Functions. Testing has two phases: first make simulation, second visualize data in data files which are automatically saved. |
von Mises truss
| (movie)
Elastic von Mises truss in large deflections. Simulation shows complex behavior of this simple symmetrical structure [see also]. |
Truss girder
Elastic truss girder in large deflections. Simulation shows precritical and postcritical behavior of typical bridge structure. |
FyDiK versus FEM
Stability and postcritical behavior of an elastic frame. The frame is loaded by postcritical force F = 60 MN (critical force Fcr = 36.8 MN). |
Follower force
| (movie)
Dynamic instability of a cantilever beam loaded by follower force (length L = 5 m, bending stiffness EI = 200 Nm2). Beam properties corresponds with critical conservative force Fcr = 19.74 N (teoretically 19.739 N) and critical follower force Fcr,follower = 157 N (teoretically 160.4 N). This example can serve as reference for understanding of relationships between physical parameters of real beam and its FyDiK model. |
Nice application of follower load. A very slender beam loaded by a follower force dynamically creates loops on its shape. |
Spider Web
| (movie)
Simulation of a spider web. Simulation starts with undamaged web in transient state and leads to steady state. You can try to take out any restraints and observe influence of this "damage" (as in the movie). |
| (movie)
Simulation of a Hosepipe throwing up water. Example of real follower load. |
Hanging element
Hanged Quadrilateral finite element presents capability of FyDiK application to show stress on the whole element area. |
Quadrilateral wall made from 3200 Quadrilateral finite elements fixed as a cantilever, loaded by a force. |
Three examples of a rope in gravitational field with three interaction objects. |
Model of thin elastic plate loaded by controlled displacement. First the plate will buckle, then the buckled shape will lost the stability and finaly an interesting shape will be formed by tension. |
Special cases
There are special problems for interested persons. Advantages of implemented approach give many specific cases which can be named strange or problematic.
Full rotation
This problem is focused on rotation of a Translational Spring. It shows capability to calculate arbitrary rotation of this Model Component and consistency between this rotation and state of connected Rotational Spring. |
Cyclic problem
Rotational Spring has unique input option named fi correction. This option assures natural behavior of angle input if true is selected. Else direct procedure is performed which generates singularity on cyclic structure. In downloadable data files are two same structures except this input option. The structure on left hand side is without correction and contains singularity. |
Eight variations
This example is related to the creation of a Rotational Spring. There are four variations of Translational Springs which give eight variations of Rotationals Springs creation possibilities. The group of eight on the top has fi correction disabled and group on the bottom has this option enabled. |
Numerical instability
Dynamical systems in FyDiK Application are solved by numerical methods. These methods are not stable at all cases. This example shows numerical instability which originates thanks to increase of the Translational Spring stiffness. |